Follow my blog with Bloglovin KatmandewFBA 365: Day 62 - New Tutorials & Contest!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 62 - New Tutorials & Contest!

I have made 2 tutorials today that I am posting to the KatmandewFBA 365 Tutorials Website. The individuals who suggested the tutorials will be receiving a FREE 2 week subscription since the sneak peek is still going on. Once the sneak peek is over all individuals whose suggestions I do as tutorials will get a FREE 1 week subscription so they can see it and show their friends. This is a great incentive!

I have a 500 subscriber contest going on right now and when I reach my goal, I will randomly choose a winner. If you are local, you will receive a FREE body painting or Birthday party, if you are out of my area, I will give you a FREE private weekend workshop and if you live overseas, I will send you your choice of a face or body painting product valued at $50 or less. Tell me if that sounds good!

Also you see I have a green screen in the back. If you want, you can download my video and manipulate it all you want, just make sure you post your edited version as a video response so I can see what you did!

Below are photos of the Zombie face I did in one of my tutorials. Hope you like it!

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