Follow my blog with Bloglovin KatmandewFBA 365: Day 98 - Complaints have a place!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 98 - Complaints have a place!

This video contains a rant that has been solved, but it is still important!

So I was unable to do a tutorial on UV neon paints, for the simple fact that I was unprepared. I did not know what the paints would look like until I got home and turned on my blacklights.

There are several variances in the paint and I need to experiment more and work out the details before making a UV video.

The rest of the video speaks for itself!

Until tomorrow, HAPPY PAINTING!


  1. You deleted your posts!!!

  2. And yours too. I deleted all Negativity from the groups I admin and posts that I have made. This is not saving face, it is just professional courtesy for the others around us!
