Follow my blog with Bloglovin KatmandewFBA 365: Day 56 - Back Home & Ice Tutorial

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 56 - Back Home & Ice Tutorial

So I am back home and yesterday I mailed out the prizes for the Friendly/Fiendish clown Contest winners. Shannon should receive hers on Saturday, but it might be Monday. Can't wait to see what she does with it. Ana Arthur will receive hers withing 3 weeks as it is being sent all the way to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Really can't wait to see what she does with the book!

Now tomorrow I will be at the flea market and will be doing some tutorials on some female models. This will help as I look stupid in girly swirls! Now since I will be there all day, the video will not be up until 7 or 8 PM, late day but well worth the wait. You will see!

Now todays tutorial I talked about is requested from Camille Eastin on Facebook and she wanted to see me do "Ice" in white, grey and black. I decided it just wouldn't look right unless I added a little blue to it and I think it came out pretty good. Take a look at the pictures and don't forget to visit my New Website to see the tutorial,

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