Follow my blog with Bloglovin KatmandewFBA 365: 09/04/11

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Let's just say, this is a day I would like to have more than other days! Beautiful weather, pleasant people, lots of fun.

It first started at Emory & Henry College for 2 hours and then headed over to a Patriotic get together for the Red, White & Bluegrass in Abingdon for 4 hours!

Let me just just you some of the faces that smiles were brought to and leave it at that!

Until tomorrow, HAPPY PAINTING!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 252 - I am Tired of Polite People!

I just found out a week after I looked at a townhouse and was ready to give them the check to cover 4 months rent, they decided to not let me have it! They said they were calling to inform of this and that way I would have time to find a new place. Well I was trying to move in by Sept 15th, do you think this is enough time to find another place?

They could not even give me a straight answer as to why I could not have it. They were trying to be polite!

Well, I am tired of people being polite when it comes to these things. They need to be upfront and explain why the decision was made without excuses. This way you get a better understanding of what you need to do to get a place the next time or in the future!

I am still shooting for finding a place by the 15th, but it looks like it may take longer.

Until tomorrow, HAPPY PAINTING!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 251 - Week in Review

Really not much to say as I said it all in the video. I am moving to a new location and will keep you posted on this.

Until tomorrow, HAPPY PAINTING!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 250 Part 2 - It's Over For Me!

It was inevitable that this would happen and it did. Due to some personal conflicts and reasons, I am no longer going to be at the Russell County Fair this year.

So if you were looking to come out and see me, I am sorry.

There is another wonderful artist who is taking my place though and you should go and visit her. Her name is Aline Backes and she does, not only face painting, but portraits in charcoal, pastel and oil along with caricatures and glitter tattoos. She is definitely worth stopping for, so check her out!

I am putting up my Week in Review vlog tomorrow, so until then, HAPPY PAINTING!

Day 250 - One More Time

Well the past couple of days has been bad for us because of rain, but we are hopeful that today will be a better situation and we will be able to profit. Not going to cross my fingers this time and hopefully will not post a "Part 2" here later, but will post photos tomorrow of the faces I do today!

Until tomorrow, HAPPY PAINTING!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 249 Part 2 - Closed Due To Weather

The fair was closed today due to weather and the grounds being to wet to park cars without them getting stuck.

Oh well for crossing my fingers, hope tomorrow is a better day!

Day 249 - Let's Try This Again

Since yesterday was rained out, I need to make up what I lost. Hopefully today will be a lot better and I will have more photos to show you in tomorrows blog!

Keepin' it short with Fingers Crossed, HAPPY PAINTING!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 248 Part 2 - Day Off Again

Well it looks like I have the day off again.

I got to the fairgrounds to find that my tent was almost completely destroyed. Luckily I was able to salvage it and get it back to what it should be. I lost my display boards to the weather and thought I had lost all my face paints and such, but luckily, someone picked it up for me and was holding on to it.

So I came back home and hope that the ran will stop sometime tomorrow and I can get back to work!

No Photos, so you are just going to have to imagine.

Until tomorrow, HAPPY PAINTING!

Day 248 - Rain on Labor Day, Go Away

Well it is raining and I have to get out to the fairgrounds now that my Sunday break is over. Maybe I can turn it into something new and profitable with the rain. We will just have to wait until I get the photod up in tomorrows blog and you tell me if what I have in mind is a good idea!


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 247 - Russell County Fair Day 2

Well day 2 was a success even though we had 2 major storms, one before everything got started and one just at the end of it. The weather was beautiful when it wasn't raining and it was cool.

Today I am taking a break as there is really nothing going on except put in entry into the fair exhibits, so I am going to be packing some stuff into containers for when I am ready to move into my new Townhouse.

Here are a few pics of some of what I did on the second day! Until tomorrow, HAPPY PAINTING!